Thursday 8 September 2011


Please Circle the appropriate answers

1. In sports based based films do you like the underdog to win?
A: Yes                         B: No                              C: Not bothered
2. Do you like a sports based film to be realistically based or have elements of fantasy?
A: realistic                    B: fantasy                        C: Not bothered
3. Do you like sports based films to have elements of comedy?
A: Yes                B: No                     C: Not bothered
4. Do you like characters to have strong accents?
A: Yes               B: No                 C:   Not bothered
5. Do you like the main character to be male or female?
A: Female               B:  Male          C: Either
6. Do you prefer films to be of adult humor or family friendly?
A: Family friendly              B:  Adult Humor          C:   Either
7. Do you like films to end with a happy ending?
A: Happing ending            B: Sad ending            C: Either
8. Do you like voice over’s in trailers?
A: Yes              B: No          
9. Do you like music to be included in trailers?
A: Yes                  B: No
10. Do you like trailers to last for over a minute or under a minute?
A: Under a minute                           B:  Over a minute                
11. Do you like trailers that reveal a lot of the storyline?
A: Yes           B: No
12. Do you like trailers that end on Cliffhangers?
A: Yes         B: No

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