Saturday 24 September 2011

Film Magazine Cover Analysis - Creative Decision Making

This edition of the  TOTAL FILM magazine, whilst meeting conventions of magazine covers, influenced my creative decision making by providing me with a clear view of some of the standard features that I wanted to incorporate but also aspects of presentation that I didn't want to use on my cover.  For example:

- The magazine title is clearly displayed in an easily readable large font using upper case lettering.  The size of the font is something which I will replicate on my cover although I will choose a more feminine font to attract my female target audience.  I will also use a single word "Flicks" as my title rather than my original idea of Film in Focus as this restricts the size of the font I can use.  Also I want the magazine to be a product produced by my Sports Flick Film company so the new title aids the branding, the association with my film company and it's female target audience.

- A single image of a well known actor is used as a focal point with text overlaid.  I will select a single image and overlay with text.

- The cover is noticeable to the audience particularly because of the dark, eery nature of the background which creates the mood for the magazine along with a sinister image of the Johnny Depp dressed as the Mad Hatter.  This is typical imagery associated with Tim Burton productions although from a personal point of view   it does not have any association with the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland that I have familiarity with and looks a little scary.  As my magazine is a summer edition I will use light summery colours to make sure my audience know that it is a contemporary edition.  Intertextuality will be achieved through colour association and the use of pink on all my products relating to the film.

- Sensational language such as World Exclusive!Massive...Plus... is used to entice the audience.  I will adhere to this convention on my cover.

- Other articles contained in the magazine are promoted on the cover relating to additional film reviews in order to encourage purchases of the magazine. There is a limited range of font styles and colours used on cover lines.  This aesthetic aspect of the presentation will be used to ensure that the cover doesn't look too fussy and confusing for the reader.  Summery colours will be used.

- Free offers are promoted.  This will be used on my magazine cover.

- Price, barcode and website address are displayed.  These features will be included on my cover.

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