Thursday 8 September 2011

Content Analysis: Bend it like Beckham

Content Analysis:  Bend it Like Beckham

From watching the bend it like Beckham trailer using the coding schedule I found this.

1. The main characters are women but men have a lot of involvement in the film. The trailer focuses mainly on the    relationship between the female characters and their coach. Some of the male characters who appear in the film also star in the trailer.
2.  There is a voice over in the trailer which continues throughout and provides the narrative explaining the context and plot to the audience.  Information provided through the voice over sets up a lot of the humorous moments in the trailer.
3. Most of the trailer is action based, there are funny moments, stressful moments, dilemma moments, love moments and happy moments. The trailer gives the audience a taste of  the range of emotions they will experience from watching the full feature film.
4. Soundtracks quietly provide the background ambience setting the tone for various moments in the trailer. For example, when the focus is on Jess’s families culture the music playing is Indian and when the focus’ is on the western society and person she adapts to become it is more upbeat.  The music is used to represent cultural differences.
5.  The accents used by the characters are either Indian accents or Cockney/London accents; they contrast well and are distinct.
6. The costumes are either football kit which looks very professional or Indian dress which again looks of good quality adding to the overall verisimilitude of the trailer.
7.  The sports scenes seem to denote an amateur sports club that is quite professionally run.
8.  The key themes embedded in the trailer relate to the challenges that girls from very different backgrounds have to overcome in their quest to pursue their dream of becoming professional footballers. Both girls have to overcome the obstacle of their mothers who don’t want them to play. One because of it not being a women’s place and the other because of her Indian culture. The girls both want to make it and have battles with different prejudices in society to get to where they want to be.
9. The trailer does end leaving the audience with some intrigue in that they don't  find out if the girls do make it or if they are just allowed to play for fun.


  1. Although you are identifying useful plot elements etc, it is important to use technical media language throughout - it would be good to look at shot types/editing techniques as well - making sure you use the key media terms. You are analysing, but sometimes it's implicit - you need to make sure your moderator/examiner knows that you know how to analyse a text.

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