Thursday 8 September 2011

Content Analysis: Stick it

I analyzed the trailer stick it using the coding schedule and this is what I found:

1. The main character is female and the second main character is male
2.  The voice over is of the main character herself who tells a story of what the plot of the film is
3.  The action of the trailer is mainly of gymnastics taking place
4. Music plays most of the way through but doesn’t dominate the trailer
5. The accents again are American but understandable not distinct
6.  Costumes are leotards and tracksuits, but the main character looks scruffy and un-professional in contrast to the other characters
7. The sports are very professional with the facilities, competitions coaching etc
8.  The plot points that are revealed show that the girl walked out on gymnastics finals before, that she hates the sport and gets forced to go back to it , that her coach looks after her, that she’s a bit of a rebel and that there is a rebellion in the competition
9.  It doesn’t really end on a cliffhanger again more humorous

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