Monday 12 September 2011

Questionnaire Results Analysis

I have presented my findings in the last blog, this blog is about how they have infulenced my creative decisions.

Question 1. A big majority of the people who answered my questionnaire said that they prefered the underdog to win, that was going to be my origional storyline anyway, this therefore will not change.

Question 2. 20/30 people said that they prefer these type of films to be more realistic rather than fantasy, however 5/30 said that they liked fantasy and 5/30 we not bothered. I will therefore try to make my film mostly realistic but I will have some featured moments 'that you would only see in the movies', that way I can cater to everyone's preference.

Question 3. 21/30 people enjoy this genre of film to be comedy based and 9/30 don't. Judging from the answers to my previous question people enjoy having a laugh at these type of films but don't want them to be so silly that they are unbelieveable.  I will try to get the balance between the two.

Question 4. 22/30 people said that they are not bothered about the accents of the characters. This bares no probem to me as one of my characters has a strong yorkshire accent. This may even humour some of the audience.

Question 5. By a small margin people said that they prefer the male character to be the main character, however most were not bothered. I do have two female characters but I will also make sure that the male main character is involved a lot in the trailer so that I can appeal to that market. I will also make sure that the females don't come across too girly. I may get one to come across as girly and the other as more masculine, the contrast could be comical.

Question 6. 19/30 people enjoy family friendly films, although 7/30 do prefer adult humour. The films genre isn't really appropiate to adult humour, so I will take the decision to make it family friendly due to the majority vote.

Question7. 22/30 people enjoy a happing ending in this genre of film. That is probably because most films of this genre end very happily. The original idea was for it to end happy but this won't be reaveled in the trailer.

Question 9. Most people said that they like music in the trailer therefore I will definetly include it and use it to display the genre and what the film is all about.

Question 10. Most people said that they like the trailers to be over a minute, that is probably so that they can get a feel for what the film is about, I wanted the trailer to last over a minute for this reason , so my opionion was proven correct.

Question 11. Most people want the trailer to reaveal alot of the story, I don't want to reaveal too much but I do want to reaveal enough to make the viewers want to watch the entire film. I need to pick the right parts to put into the trailer in order to keep them hooked.

Question 12. Most people admitted they enjoy the trailer ending on a cliffhanger , this wasn't my original intention but I may have to adjust my plan to cater the needs of my target audience.

1 comment:

  1. Is there any way you could explore ideas of narrative or audience theory with this - just to show you can?

    Again - proof read!
