Saturday 24 September 2011

Film Poster Design initial ideas

Film Poster Design - My initial ideas

Originally I was going to include all three of the characters that are involved in the film enlarged on the poster. But after analysing real media posters I decided that it was more conventional to focus on the rivalry between the two girls who are the main characters. An image of Robert, who is the coach, would be made slightly smaller in similar way to the presentation on the Bend it like Beckham film poster. 

My film poster should include:

The use of a large prominent film title and a tagline
The names of the actors appearing in the film
Quotes from newspaper critics about the film 
Coming soon or release date should be displayed
An appropriate pose from the actors/actresses in the image that provides an indication of key themes, a suggestion of the genre and has connotations about the plot
The focal picture should also be intriguing
A company logo of the production company
A suitable colour scheme to appeal to the target audience and is eye catching
Age certification should be displayed
Directors and Production company details should be displayed.

The ways in which I intend to do the following are:
The title will be at the top of the page and large
The actress’s names will be underneath the actress’s pictures
The quotes will be at the very bottom of the page or next to the actor's/actresses
The company logo will be in the bottom left of the page 
The colour scheme will be white/black/green to convey the film is about tennis
The actresses will be posing back to back with tennis rackets to convey that they are rivals. Robert will be blowing a whistle to convey the stereotypical representation associated with a mean coach, he will be positioned next to Lindsay with the connotation that he is on her side.
The use of the male coach can appear to a wider market as having two females on the front cover may not interest some viewers. 
The release date of the film will be bold and underneath the title 

The overall presentation of the poster should be simple, clear and eyecatching.  It will attract a passing audience and give them enough information to entice them into coming to see the full length feature film.

1 comment:

  1. Your reasoning is clear for the last two posts. However, your analysis of posters and covers could use a little work. You could discuss conventional elements (image, tagline, title) further, in terms of institution, audience and representation and use key terms to make explicit reference to these. Demonstrating an understanding of the key theoretical concepts lifts the quality of your work - to ensure it is at least proficient, if not excellent. The clearer you can be about techniques used and their effect, the better.
