Saturday 24 September 2011

Magazine cover initial ideas

Magazine Cover - My initial ideas

After the analysis of magazine covers from Total Film and Empire I have come to a few conclusions of what I want from my own production:

General features will include:

- the magazines name will be clearly displayed
- The cover will be noticeable to the audience
- The key image of the female actors will be used as a focal point to attract the teenage audience
- Graphics and colours will be used to create a summery, feminine mood for the magazine

- Font size, shape and colour will be used to create a clear attractive cover
- Several cover lines will be dotted around the page indicating a good content inside
- Promotional offers, such as free posters, and competitions will be promoted
- Price, edition date and bar code will be displayed.

In addition, specific features relevant to my own production I would like to incorporate are as follows:

Firstly, I want only one actress from the film to be on it, this naturally would have to be the main character. After looking at the other film magazine covers I discovered that they don't tend to have more that one actress in them. I also need the actress or actor to be posing in a pose that gives a good indication of what the film is about for advertisement purposes. The actress needs to be in a costume that she wears in the film and give a quote about the film to advertise it also. 

Secondly, I want the release date of the film to be made clear on the front cover of the magazine so that I can promote the opening to the readers. I want the actress to give a full page interview of which the page number should be made clear on the front cover of the magazine. A quote from an recognisable source should also be on the front cover of the magazine, for example a newspaper critic in order to provide an unbiased opinion of the film. 

Thirdly, the colour scheme needs to on the magazine should also provide colour association with the other products are relate to the key theme of tennis. For my own cover I want green/white/black to give the impression of a film that’s about tennis. I would like the film poster to be included inside the magazine with images of the film, the page number of which these are based at should be on the front cover of the magazine. The title needs to be big and the actresses name included in the front cover of the magazine. 

I want my magazine cover to show what the film is about and when it is released without over doing the amount of information given on the front cover. The best way to advertise a film is to keep it simple, to give the audience the page numbers of where they can find the information, to tell them when the film is released as soon as they look at it and to give them an idea of what the film is about without them having to read a page. This can be displayed through large text, colour schemes, and pictures etc. 

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