Tuesday 18 October 2011

Shooting Script; This Thursday

This thursday i aim to get at least part 1 of the trailer filmed and take a few pictures for the poster etc. 

 The filming will have priority first; as we aim to get the following done in an hour, the timetable is as follows;

Arrive at 2pm in the gym.
2.10pm - everything should be set up and everbody in costume
2.15-2.50- The following should be filmed;
Bouncing Tennis ball (Lindsay), Rob Films
Mid angle shot of Niaomi waist up, Niaomi hits a serve and says 'You cannot be serious' (Rob Films)
Establishing shot of Lindsay missing the ball over again (Rob Films) 
Shot reverse shot (Lindsay films) of Niaomi and Robs Conversation N'what have you done? R'trust me she has potential'
High angle shot (rob films) Lindsay falls down doing a push up looks like she is giving up 
Niaomi 'it's your call' (looks disgusted) (Lindsay films) 

2.55- Pack away

You need to bring;

Lindsay - Sports clothing ; on wednesday for storing
Robert; Yourself
Niaomi; Sports clothing, Robs costume, Tennis rackets and balls, Camera

Saturday 8 October 2011

Sunday 2 October 2011

Focus Groups; Adults

Focus Group Findings (Adults)

I established 3 focus groups in order to ascertain in depth qualitative feedback that could be used to influence my creative decision making.  The 3 groups comprised of individuals from both my main and secondary niche audiences:  Sports fans, Teenage Girls and Adults.

For my adults I asked my a male and a female what they would think of my trailer/film and what they would want from it .

1. When a trailer appears on the television what features catch your attention?

Female:  Sometimes the music especially if I know the theme tune, or if I know of the actors in the film, or if I'm interested in the plot like a sports film. If it's funny! Or if it's by a writer / director that i know of!

Male: If im interested or if its funny, i like it when theres something dramatic on the trailer. If its scary!

2. What is it about a trailer that makes you want to go and see the film in cinema rather than wait for a DVD release?

Female: When it has a lot of action and leaves you in suspense and you are desperate to find out more.

Male: If it appeals to your taste, and looks dramatic and exciting.

3.  Do you prefer the trailer do give alot away or a little of the films plot?

Female: I don’t want it to say too much or it would be pointless seeing the film, little snap shots are the best!

Male: Well I want to know what the film is about, I wouldn’t want to go and see a film that I haven’t a clue of the genre of, but it has to be a happy medium!

4.  When seeing a film trailer based on a sports film what would you prefer the films genre to be?

Female: I enjoy a dramatic chick flick type thing, where the underdog comes out on top, with a bit of non-realism in them with a strong story line.

Male: I enjoy it to be slightly comedy based without too much drama, but I also enjoy it when they refer to real life gimmicks eg. when they use things that real people have said in the past.

5. Having two female main characters in a sports based film can sometimes be a disadvantage do you agree?

Female: 20 years ago maybe, but times have changed and females are more accepted in sport nowadays, we also have many celebrity female sports stars like Kelly Holmes and the Williams sisters.

Male: I think for some men it would make a film more funny, as they see women’s sport as a big joke!